Love Poem: The Long Goodbye
Edmund Siejka Avatar
Written by: Edmund Siejka

The Long Goodbye

The Long Goodbye

By Edmund Siejka

We were on the corner
Of Union Square  
Not touching
Not speaking
Just staring at each other
Me, in complete disbelief
You, looking past me
Annoyed shoppers
Quickly brushing past us.
And then you walked away 
All I could do was 
Try to follow you 
Until you disappeared into the crowd.

Impulsively, I once went past  
Where you lived
Crossing the street
I saw a light in your window
And made out
Two shadows sitting at a table
Then I knew 
It was time 
For me to walk away.

After all these years
Even though I can’t see you
I still think of you 
Even though I can’t speak to you 
I still hear you.

Sometimes when I lay in bed
The window opened
An errant breeze  
Brings in a wonderful scent 
Reminding me of the flowers
Lined up in front 
Of the Korean grocery store
We used to go to.
It’s then I see you 
Standing in front of me
Reaching out
I can almost touch you
I wouldn’t want it any differently
Then when you were with me
Those were the best of all my days.