The Longing
Mercy longs-for a companion-
peace faithful holds on keeps hoping,
forgiveness sustains, love gently uplifting!
Three hearts cry out one for the other;
their candles lit each swaying together
as they flicker-the-door, opens wide -
Grace-generous aware, racing
in brings them in their longing;
together -
Joy delights revels in this,
surrenders itself one-
for the other -
Time honest-
boasts of this
remains-willing -
continues marching.
Author notes
3 poems written 1 year ago. I decided to form them individually today here: 10th Dec 2010.
Formed as I brought them from another site from their original forms as they are there. Was
curious while in the midst of forming; noticed they would as I had formed them fit together.
Had no idea they would fit this way together as they have now. Hence the name given for the
poem in thank you, for: "God's Goodness", because it is He that was the inspiration, as well the
Guide/Mastering of the hands that formed them. Thank you for reading. Their names are as
follows as I brought them formed them: A Permanent Home, I'm Feeling Sick Today Let's See
What and How Much I Can Bring to the Table, The Longing. I Had no idea I was forming a
I invite you to read:
as well investigate as to why I ask you of this, "please":. I am so honored you have stopped
by friend you have blessed me-yes - I wish as well to bless you. ~ Love ~ James ~ (or if you
will) ~ e v e r y o n e 1 ~