The Lorax Sequel
I took the only seed of hope
for any future healthy Truffula Trees,
but reminded my clinically depressed acquaintance
we are all born co-redeemers,
not addictively incubating extractors.
Ours is not to commodify
what we could not recreate
for its sufficient regeneration,
to fairly claim any rights
to economic value.
You talk funny,
replied the Lorax.
go talk with your dead dinosaurs,
dying forests,
your failing gorillas
and polar bears,
and honey bees,
with all those fancy eco-political co-redemption
win/win theories of cooperation.
See how they feel about their cooperative investment
in your sorry AnthroSupremacist butt.
Not knowing quite what to say,
I thanked him for his sorry butt response
and brought this treasured seed back home
to learn what our Earth-therapeutic community
of creolizing co-arisers
would most love to do
with and for our Truffula Tree seed.
Eventually a clever PolyCultural Mediator,
Someone way in the silent back,
no one is quite sure whom,
gasped out
"Why don't you plant the damn thing somewheres
the sun shines,
unlike your sorry butts."
So we did.
We took the seed out to the meadow
and planted it where it would provide grace-filling shade
and receive water from our roof's run-off barrels,
also planted around our home.
Cooperative trees of Truffula grow quickly
in rich nutrient-balanced organic compost,
much like the rest of us
receiving thick polycultural love,
mutually symbiotic nutrients,
and not so much competitive monochromatic drama,
monopolistic monoculturing monolithic selfishness
Tumorous traumas subside in generous environments
of kind ecstatic contentment,
wise thoughtfulness of seventh regeneration's future time,
lovers of transparent light
as deeply vulnerable power
and wide ecological might,
bodhisattvas of economic balance
Eco-normic health as not not wealthy appositions
enriching phylogenetic linguists
of verbs dancing fractal-fold implicate-temporal icons
of movement
within mythos/logos co-redeeming thrival songs
regenerating Creation narratives
from enlightened
and toward empowering
Earth's ReGenesis,
Multicultural cooperatives for eco-political health
merging into regenerative neurosensory wealth
research scientists
and permacultural communion designers
and multicultural sacred co-investors,
rational and sane regenerators,
religion faeries of holonically inspired life-systems,
resiliently transconnected cooperatives
of synergetic integrity.
Next thing you know
we have a first generation of decomposing leaves,
harvested flowers and berries,
and four perfectly balanced organic Truffula Tree seeds.
Once again our Permaculturist Family asked
how can we optimize this global future
for our children's children
with this regenerative offering
transported to where Earth as potential Heaven
most needs such healthy wealth?
Again, dark back voice croaks,
"Why don't you give one to the North
to wave through winter's blasting wind.
One to the South
but not too far South
because coastlines become faultlines.
One to East of river
to cool her mourning grey water,
but not too high up
because aquifers grow absence,
like virtue grows sin.
One to the West horizon's mountains,
to profile all those red skies at night
you're always expecting here
in your positive psychology
sailing delight in truth-telling,
yet eco-pathology denying,
kinda dualistic way."
But, that's not what we did.
We brought one to the polar bears,
and one to the honeybees,
one to the gorillas,
and one to the tortoises,
and in return
they gave us eggs and honey,
regenerating nutritional lessons
in cooperative tribal and multicultural healthy living,
and co-empathic experience
with how to stay grateful and warm
through climatic winter's hibernation.
From this we learned together
to live in this polyculturing economy,
this ecological therapeutic community,
like good cooperative organic fertilizers,
health farmers,
mutually benign co-parasites,
where I let you know
what I need to invest in,
divest of,
and who I am to share,
and in exchange,
you tell me what I am to share that you need more of
and sometimes not quite so much of,
and what you have to share that might enrich
Earth household's health.
As we become adept
with our symbiotic evolving Tree of Win-Win Cooperative Life,
we are diversifying our production/consumption balanced market,
mutually mentoring other communities
about what gorillas and forests,
polar bears and honey bees and tortoises teach us
and unfortunately have not learned from us,
about ecology of co-arising cooperative economics,
about becoming optimally regenerated and religioned
Co-redeemers of Earth's primal gift,
healthy life,
faithful to our co-regenerators past
temporal bilateral memories
still ebbing and flowing through each cell,
hopeful for our seven
regenerating future heaven.