The Loss of a Friend
In a voice both gentle and wise
He whispered hope through my life
Revealing a love that could surprise
With its tenderness and light,
Always lifting my heart from the dark
Raining sparks of wonder across my nights
Filling my soul with sunshine,
My heart with laughter
Kindness that would remind me there
Is music, there is passion
There is a stirring inside that never
Subsides, a feeling that inspires
My heart to breathe in flames of joy
Burning away all the doubt
Leaving me with a silent prayer
For the light to always be with me,
Glistening like starlight, lifting me up
Gentling my life – dancing,
Like a summer sun, swaying
With beautiful, graceful, embracing
Hugs, warm and enduring
Freeing my dreams so I can believe
He was like the light
Falling across my life, silencing
Every fear, hushing the tears
Bringing hope from the shadows,
Serenity that would escape
The monotony of passivity, stillness
To reflect the brilliance
Publishing kisses, whispers
Surrounded by faith, never forgetting
The way light echoes wonder,
Imitating the miracles – the beauty
Sweltering in the summer,
Then drifting with the leaves
When autumn sends her breathless
Death call over the heart,
Coloring hope with the emotive voice
Strong as the wind’s song
Illuminating the spirit as leaves
Fall through the memories,
Fleeting – moving like the dreams
Who believe the healing
That comes from knowing love
So alive with the giving
He was a friend I know
Gave more than he had to give,
With a love that could only be said
To bring hearts a beautiful
That is like the snowflake, glistening
Wishes, held too tightly – melting
Beneath the warmth of a hug
Wishes so intimate they quiet memories
With promises for the future
He reassured me with a kindness
That wouldn’t melt away like the snow,
A kindness that would continue
To bring hope into the spirit, even
When the light was hidden
By a darkness so black it felt almost
Like the despair of a dying hope,
The divorce from a heart’s story –
The story he told me every time he was close