The Lost Doll Ld
I cried at that time. I still remember. Then I forgot,
This was because within no time a better one I got;
Better one, the elders said, but, did I truly feel so?
Anyway, by way of fun frolics, I did let things go;
On and off, yet, that little doll of mine flashed in my head,
Smiled for a while...! Left...! In my mind, a sad shadow did spread...!
In my school days when a pencil or eraser I lost,
She crossed in and smiled and made me frost and mentally tossed;
When any little flower I loved suddenly faded,
She crept in and smiled; but, my joy canvas got coal shaded;
When precious friends entered my life and, by way, moved away,
She came out of the blue and made my mood of sadness sway...!
She was in at my mother's death and at my dad's demise,
Sat smiling midst my unknown implicit heart-rending cries;
In the form of my darling, yet, for life-long she entered,
My existence got a new meaning and turned joy-centered;
Now, that, she too is gone, soon she's in, filled with a broad smile,
Is it to tell me, with life's changes, I should reconcile...???
18 June 2023
The Lost Doll Poetry Contest
Sponsored by: Charles Messina
Rhymes Checked At: Rhyme Zone
Syllables Checked At: How Many Syllables