The Love Affair
The old lady with white hair slowly tottles out onto the porch in the cold damp air.
She pulls the rocker back away from the dampest part of the porch and sits
listening to the sounds of nature.
constant straight down rain
pouring out of solid gray clouds...
bird in oak warbles
As the continuous rain trickles from the roof and the gentle breeze stirs the wind
chimes to play tunes, a bird warbles chere', chere' to a lady friend who answers
cheer. The rain is cold and uninviting to humans but birds must ignore such a small
inconvenience to love affairs and courtship. Their chirps to each other get closer.
One has moved into the Holly Bush about ten feet closer to the one bird in the
Pear Tree.
a gentle breeze blows
touches silent chimes still pipes...
a love affair born
The gentle breeze blows cold mist from the rain upon the old lady in the rocker out
on the porch. She shivers and writes a few more words in her notebook before
retreating into the warm, dry and comfortable home. She thanks God for a few
minutes to enjoy the creation and the creator.