The Love and Mercy of God Never Ends
God’s Love And Mercy Never Ends!
God’s wonderful love and mercy has no ending!
His faithfulness is true! And is most enduring!
His bounty of hope and grace is ever so sweet!
It’s only in him, that a life is complete!
His power has no boundary! It has no limit!
He’s made available to all, the power of his spirit!
His son Jesus, has come to give us life eternal!
Through him, our name can be in heaven’s journal!
He’s offers to all, a hope and peace most assuredly!
We can receive his eternal life
so abundantly!
Let’s thank him! For the good things he shares!
He’s always there to help us! And he cares!
His son Jesus, can cleanse us from our sin…
And brings forgiveness and healing within!
He’s compassionate, very patient and kind…
His faithfulness has stood the test of time.
He’s the God, that we all need to lean on.
And the one that we can truly depend on!
Won’t you accept the love and mercy he’s extended?
Through Jesus, your heart can be amended!
The mercy and grace of God is worth receiving!
Won’t you call on him? And start believing?
By Jim Pemberton 05/23/14