The Love of a Good Man
The Love Of A Good Man
In his arms you feel safe
Anywhere with him is your favorite place
He doesn't judge you and knows when to give you space not to bug you
At the same time all you want is him in your space
Close your eyes and still see his face
In his eyes you look deep and know he is the one you want to keep
Before you go to bed at night he is the last one with whom you speak
Taking over your dreams when you are fast asleep
Your heart flutters when someone says his name
Falling in love don't be ashamed
He would never try to harm you with strength he helps arm you
Your his baby his wifey but not his boo
Only he knows what to do
To put the smile upon your face
Neither of you can be replaced
That person you meet once in a lifetime
But will love to the end of your lifeline
He motivates you has your back and loves you good
So as you read this and smile be thankful that you have
The Love of A Good Man