The Love of Family
I am alone and afraid
In a city street alley
Not a physical alley
But a mental one
I can see nothing
They Laughed at me
They made fun of me
I ran into this alley
To escape their prejudice
I got lost and could not find my way
I needed someone to help me
I found that someone
Or so I thought
She lied to me, And broke my heart
Drove me deeper into this deep dark alley
I sensed danger
I was fearful
That I might lose my way
I realized That I was not lost
I did have a guide away from the darkness
My family who loved me and cared for me, All my life
They found me lost in the darkness, Of my own pity and depression
They guided me back to the light of reality
It was then that I realized I should not lose myself in the darkness because of one
lost love
Not because I did not care but because I found there was more love for me than I
ever imagined possible.
The Love of Family.