The Loving Time
Excuse me now it's the Loving Time,
"Meows and purrs" while I write my rhymes.
Little nibble on my toe, just so I'll know, you're there.
Scratch on my ankle, hey! I know you care!
"Meeeooowwww" again by my foot,
so I stopped to have a look....
And melted at how cute you are there!
So excuse me my friends...
In the middle of my pen, a little ball of fur cries.
Whiskers are tickling, her tail is switching
and her nibbles beg kibbles from my eyes.
I must stop and Love this precious,
little ball of fur with her purring message.
I'll return to you soon to complete my rhyme,
Just after I give my full attention
and now most certainly my mention,
of the duty I fulfill, when it's the Loving Time.
:) I'm in training...