The Luxuries of Love
The luxury of love is bequeathed
In treasures that gold cannot buy
warm arms that hold you
through a cold winter night
a whisper...a kiss
that makes everything alright
one incredible person
someone in whom you trust
with everything you are ..will ever be
is in what cannot be explained
the sanity of walking side by side
in the pouring rain
shoulder’s to lean on
when the going gets rough
nicknames you hold dear for a lifetime
baby doll or pizza man or mi amoré
the eternal sanctity of your lovers kiss
in which your heartbeat is always safe
shared plans to travel exotically one day
surprise getaway weekends
to dusty hidden faraway places
just two hours away
movie premieres you instantly forget
erotic passion in the afternoon
that you will never forget…ever
Sunday mornings busy
doing absolutely nothing at all
Shared box seats to life’s mystery tour
dreams written on the back of
a favourite late night diners’ place mat
whispered promises written
on the walls of your heart
a special smile across a crowded room
letting you know you are never alone
even when you are a continent apart
sometimes when you are heavens apart
is in what others cannot see
shared trust that is stronger than steel
rust proofed against all age
and the weather stripping of time
a lifelong courtship spent side by side
the instinctive inner faith to believe
in the truth and promise of ‘I do’
because you always have
a soul mate in whom you always will
dreams that hold you together
like the magic dust of a fairy tale
through all that comes your way
sharing the last piece of pizza
watching a favourite movie…again
steamy showers and hot coffee for two
dancing well into tomorrows dawn
the ectasy of hearing the soft whisper
I love you…only you…ven aqui