What is it about a hug? Have you ever wondered why
we use this little squeeze of affection
when we greet our friends and family…
and…when we say goodbye?
The hug is universal…it can be found everywhere…from Albania to Zaire.
It’s a gentle and tender way to show our friends an family we care.
The funny thing about a hug, however, is…
In order for this affection to be shown…
it’s simple physics really…one cannot hug alone.
To feel its power…its magic
with a person or an animal a hug has be paired…
Yes, the only way a hug can work…is when that hug is shared.
A hug can show our love, can calm us, can help to ease our fears.
A hug can bring a smile to our face or stem the flow of tears….
Lovers hug, parents hug and what child does not love to squeeze…
While walking in the forest I’ve even see people hugging trees!
A hug is a way to communicate without words…
and before a hug is done…
for a moment…in the midst of a hug…two people become one.
I wonder…if knowing the grace and beauty of a hug
understanding its magic and its charms…
is the primary reason our creators
gifted us with arms.