The Magician
I was drawn here today,
to the quiet woods, to sit and think,
About life, love, fear...
For today it was the only near sense
Compelled towards this delicate space
As I watch those that pace by,
Spaced out...
Do they not find the woods fascinating
Do they not hear the quaint whispers
Through the wind, through the trunks
They do not see me amongst the trees
And at first I believe I am alone,
Perched on a rock,
Gone from reality...
And then suddenly, the butterflies,
They are here floating all around
In the air doting, dancing, rhythyming
How organic I feel...
How dynamic that living is constantly changing me.
I trip out on life sometimes
Alive at the edge of something else,
And in all the breath of air
An entire moment, an entire memory
A sequence of individuality,
The oneness of immortality,
How dare such a nature exist!
And fear, she is always persisting
Down in the corner of your binding thaughts,
Re-ordering momentum...
Sending you searching across parallels of perception,
And then suddenly this,
And interjection...
The magician...I AM HERE
As mother, she is calling me near
Speaking of love, of fear, surrender
I close my eyes to hear what I feel,
To sense the invisible side of real
As mother's queer tones circle around
Begging my eyes...
moving my soul...
And now here, some kind of vibrating,
Heart rezonating...
A serenade of sounds
And love...
Profound always somehow she finds
opening the doorways to the other side
Again I close my eyes, this space,
Touching gently against my mind
Behind these patterns I transform,
As I've seen what is out there being
And how we hide,
How fleeting it has become,
For inside another universe resides.
Here, in this space between spaces
We're looking in, and we're looking out
Through the perculiar, perpetual alive
I feel to shout
Down the valleys of existance the voice ecos out,
Travelling down, around, in, through, out and again I shout,
Sometimes im trembling...
Tasting bittersweet apon my lips
As the unfathomable rips through
My thaught inspection...
And then suddenly this,
An interjection...
The magician... I AM HERE
Questioning it all,
Using love to open more doors.
The unknown...
This, the inescapable trilogy we raom
To say we know...
This has no justified place
For the only known existance be...
That which the magician creates.