The Magnetism of Our Union
Nice and slow, I feel you coming on
Persistent, messy, though fragile
You are over me, under me, beyond me
Crushing my lingering patience,
So that it no longer lingers,
But putrefies
And all the while, I feel you coming on
Over me, under me, beyond me
You know you have planned this muddle
Organized, and poised, I did not take the bait
I became the bait
And you bit…by bliss you did bite
I was so afraid that your teeth were going to shatter…
Because I had been made by laboring stonemasons
Who were trained to reduce the most radiant of rock into devil
I was so hard-pressed in the ugliness
Though in that moment, you sank in, and deeply….
Over me, under me, and beyond me
You came onto me
And all the devil slammed into my being dissipated
Now I can barely stand without you…….
The magnetism of our union continues to intensify
For even patience has her prowl
And her rot is built on our magnum opuses