The Man At the Bottom of the Lane
No I am not a famous poet,
being published everyday,
But I am a man of society,
And I have words to say,
How can I get these words out,
When Society imprisons me,
Society sticks these labels to me,
Calling me socialist and multiculturalist,
And the Right wing call me traitor,
Those haters want me dead,
Yet still the words build up inside me,
The words have no fear of death,
And they rush headlong from my mouth,
Like a Forlorn hope of old breaching a castle moat,
And you talk of shipping the immigrants home,
back home upon a boat,
Were we not all immigrants at one point,
And they label me again you're a liberal quote unquote,
If you read and take one thing from this,
Let it be that human beings are not the same,
But our differences enhance our lives,
Would it not be boring to be carbon copies,
Of the man at the bottom of the lane.