Love Poem: The Man In the Moon
Josette Key Avatar
Written by: Josette Key

The Man In the Moon

Under a summer moonlit sky
I sat and pondered the love of
my life.

I sat and I prayed to the heavens
above, to please oh please send
me someone to love.

Give him a heart as big as the sky,
with a touch as gentle as a new 
baby's sigh.

Make him funny, oh man in the moon,
so he can make me laugh from night
until noon.

Give him love in his heart for all of 
mankind.  Oh I know this man won't
be easy to find.

For days upon days I repeated my plea
and told the heavens above 'Can't you see
I need a true love in my life for all to see.'

Weeks went by, and then one day as I was
making my way through the town, something
made me turn around.  And standing there
with brown eyes and brown hair, was truly
the answer to my prayer.

jojo7      2006