The Man That I Am
In case you're wondering what's in my heart
It's LOVE my friends, pure and simple LOVE
Now that I've reached this advanced age
I look back and realize love is all I've ever wanted
Didn't ALWAYS feel that special thing I was looking for
But who ever does... it's a figment of the mind
Everyone's definition of love is unique and personal
But the basic underlying theme is the same
Most times it doesn't need to be said
It's a feeling of happiness and indescribable joy
Like no other we have ever experienced
I have loved more than once, most of us do
In my years on this wonderful planet
Some I would call flirtations, some ran much deeper
Some were within my reach... some were unattainable
I would not trade any of those experiences
For a pot of gold... they were worth much much more
Now that I look back and reminisce
I am thankful for all my happy experiences through life
Because they have made me the man that I am!
© Jack Ellison 2014