The Many Faces of Love
What is love?
The North Star guiding
a lost seafarer home,
Or the Siren song luring
him to the rocky shores?
Is it frolicking in the moonlit night
in a field of flowers
Or trudging across
an arid, scorching desert?
Is it a freeway to bliss and joy
Or a meandering trail
through a rugged terrain
of grief and woe?
Is it a cup of hemlock
Or a chalice of nectar?
Is it a snake pit
Or a bridge over the chasm
of hatred and bigotry?
Is it an ever-elusive mirage
Or the rock of Gibraltar?
Love is all that and more,
And yet it’s nothing,
A mere emotion, a feeling –
At first blush, irrelevant
And yet,
It’s an impetus, a catalyst –
An euphoria permeating our entire being--
"Love is a many-splendored thing!"*
*(P.F.Webster / Sammy Fain)
~"Types of Love" contest by Nayda Negron