Love Poem: The Mermaid and the Unicorn
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Written by: Catherine Sawyer

The Mermaid and the Unicorn

Come  with me to a fantasy land
To a place where magic was born
Where dreams of love can materialize,
With the touch of  a unicorns horn

My story is about Alicia
A mermaid who loved to pretend
That one day she’d walk the earth
With the aid of her unicorn friend

While swimming one day in the shallows
She asked if he’d  give her a gift
Will you please make me a woman
And give my heart a lift

Just touch my horn the unicorn said
Then make a wish from your heart
Magic will swirl and fill the air
Then your fins will surely depart

But there’s one thing that you need to know
Before you get what you yearn
You need to find the man of your dreams
And your love he needs to return

So come on Alicia the unicorn said
Together we will search this land
I know we will find him somewhere
He will love you despite your brand

So they searched the land for Alicia’s love
And as they did they became closer together
At night they talked, laughing out loud
As they fended off the weather

Alicia would climb on the unicorns back
As across the land they’d ride
Trying to find the love of her dreams
Where ever he resides

One day Alicia shouted 
we can’t do this anymore
The man of my dreams won’t be found
So take me back to the shore

For Alicia knew she had fallen
She’d fallen head over heals
Her heart was saddened and broken
How could this love be real

But what Alicia didn’t know
Was that the unicorn had fallen too
The air around them began to swirl
As he whispered I love you

The unicorn became a handsome prince
Standing tall with a white horse
The mermaid became a beautiful lady
Off in the sunset they rode of course

So if like me you’re a dreamer
Hear these words so true
Fantasy land is all around  you
And the magic is waiting for you