The Monk
White space. Where am I now?
No place. I'm awake somehow?
Know sounds, in the air around.
So I'll walk... On know ground.
"... 155..."
~Am I alive? I hear later on.
"... I gave you a song..."
~So, I walked. My middle is Long.
~Did I speak to you Snake?
White space. Where am I now?
No place. I'm awake somehow?
Know sounds, in the air around.
So I walked. Onto know ground.
Hey. You. Olld man there...
Where'd you come from?
"...speak your question, little one."
Do I dare? Was I here...?
He was content to take his Time.
I stood there, silencing my mind.
Then.Motion. Out of no motion,
His hand came round, from around,
left side, and through his dark eyes,
White.Paper flies....
And stunned was I, step back to dye.
No, lept! I cried! His eyes! I wept!
Steadfast. Straight past, fixed,
to the sun was I, in the midnight
glide while the stars fell by...
And in the light... his white,
Paper.Butterflies from the skies.
Then silence.
I turn again.
So still til then. This old man.
He changed my Time.
He played the knic nac,
with the pretty kitty cat,
he played the switch.back,
with my mind...
"... I'm the Monk..." he said,
" and you're the bow tie, This Time.Love"
To assume, the Lady would have given her ear to a snake again....
was too, simply assumed. ~We need two ears to fly with.Dragon~Sang.The Lion.
We learn first, the right time.
We painted it fuzzy, to reMind...
"And we ;pLay, all day Long..."