The Month of July
The Month of July
Under the shade of willow boughs, dipping low,
Beside the lily pond where lovely larkspur grow.
My love and I recline in the midday of summer,
In the month of July when temperatures swelter.
I ravish her beauty and charm her with poetry,
And we laugh together with pleasure in gaiety.
Our hearts meld in a rush to see our cheeks blush,
With words of commitment, dear to both of us.
And we forget ourselves as our passions succumb,
Led by love’s direction, so wonderfully sung,
As our arms forward and envelop each other,
And our eyes close and lips kiss with ardent desire.
Should not youth savour its moment under the sun;
Before water lilies wither and winter comes?
The month of July is named after the Roman general, Julius Caesar (100 BC-44 BC). Larkspur and the water lily are the representative flowers for the month, and its birthstone is the ruby with its ravishing red colour. July means youthful and is considered a gender-neutral name. Julie, Julian, Juliet, Julius, and Julia derive from July. Normally, July is the warmest month of the year in the Northern Hemisphere, and the coldest month of the year in the Southern Hemisphere.