The Most Wonderful Feeling
When I see you, my heart glows
How I want to hold you close
And strangle you till your last breath goes
Then watch you in your sweet death throes
I smile whenever you're around
I just can't keep my feet on the ground
You voice is the single sweetest sound
When it's gurgling as you're being drowned
My feelings aren't platonic
You make me catatonic
You're all over me like bubonic
And I know the only tonic
I love the way you laugh aloud
When you're playing for a crowd
You are so fabulously endowed
But you'd look better in a shroud
You're words are kind, if rather vague
I wonder who's your favourite aide
You're more popular than the plague
And soon to be equally decayed
How I miss you when you're not near
It brings to my eye a tentative tear
That anyone should see my fear
That I'll miss again the next time you're here
I wish I could know your heart's arcanum
To further understand your sweet affection
And to know if you'd recgonise Sauvignon
Laced with the finest Black Mamba venom
When you're around, my mind is askew
You planted the seeds that steadily grew
That most wonderful feeling that's known by so few
There's not a thing I love more than my hatred for you