The Mystery of Life and Love, Laws of Attraction
The laws of attraction, rules or abstraction?
For keeping life in check and at bay.
Is love and the divine merely centrifugal force sublime
and God a form of magnetism, attraction that sways?
If we look deep out our own focus and sweep
our ability to grasp and construct
Within our own cells the laws of the universe tells atoms and electrons orbiting away
When it comes right down to it, all things are constructed through it and all energy, light and why not love are born this way ?
For if its the transfer of might, that creates light why can't God in the universe be "love".
So love is attraction, and centrifugal force in abstraction keeping things moving together through space
And an exchange of ideas is merely mutating your molecules as I steal or bring your electrons to excite
And neutrons and protons the defining chemical phonemes the very base of our simplification of all...
For we are all little worlds of whirling galaxies through space and time waiting
and evolving to share energy and become one for a while
changing the very elements of your being
And we move through space, never remaining in place to go on throughout history evolving human kind
the mystery of life and love, laws of attraction - Artimus (C) 2006 Started in 2006 completed in June 2023 Susan Manley