The New Born
The little kid changed my life
though lived half the age
me ,downed by the blues of life
life had lost its charm and grace.
this innocent gaze and smile
the soft gums
smell of sweet milk
the soft linen
hands outstretched, demanding care
the closed little fists
tickling laughter
Barbie doll hair
the soft cheeks
the sparkling eyes
a new life thriving-
yet to know the world
the little restless legs
the tiny fingers
the sweet toes
the nail as soft as the skin
fresh fragrant skin
soft velvet tiny lips-
the honey drooling lips
rolling over
wet pampers
the bare dimpled tiny butts
the peaceful sleep
the angelic beauty
the touch with those little hands
trust she demanded
the soft cry
a sign of hunger
a panic search-
for the womb she belonged
clinging to mother's breasts
the sucking and innocent stare
the celestial face
all these changed me
got wisdom forgotten half the life
changed am I by this little one
In this world a baby is not born alone
But a mom and dad are born along.
she gave me designation I adore
she called me DADDY
( Written in 1995 when my first daughter was born, just wrote words as they came , didn't arrange it in any pattern )