The Nose Knows
The nose knows
A sight to make tired eyes blink
Skunks walking away from another’s stink
A simple fact not known too well
With one end they stink, the other they smell
A simpler fact that not everyone knows
One end’s the tail the other the nose
The stink they exude
Can be sexy, or rude
A scent that says buddy, I’m ovulating
The difference between just dating….or mating
So, if you inhale a whiff of their scent
Be sure to assess for whom it was meant
For they do not have the blue lit I-phones
They simply respond to unfurled pheromones
though they lack the talent to warble and croon
they do have the scent to make others swoon
while leaving a trail of their pungent perfume
they make quite an entrance when leaving a room.
John G. Lawless