The Ocean In Each Drop
I am an ocean, in a drop, in an ocean..
Currents within me stir into motion,
more than just an emotion -
the purest of Love.
In the unfettered centre lies the knowledge
that Heaven is not only above,
but embedded deep inside.
Let Love be the guide and it's easy to find.
Divinity is the connection -
our protection:
no separation when we strip down to this thread of light that shines through us all.
It can take only one to fall to drag us down.
But it can take only one to rise to lift us up..
Our best *can* be good enough.
When we are willing to see our common innocence..
When we no longer take offence to each other's insufficience.
Yes, patience, my fellow Creators,
we will arrive.
Forgiveness, my fellow travellers,
we do deserve to survive..
Compassion, my fellow survivors,
we are all alive
inside one another.
We only need look to see..
The ocean, in each drop, in the ocean.