The One!
Does he notice me
Cause I seem to have noticed him
When he smiles
It just seems to galre right towards me
Or when he laughs that wonderful laugh
That I just can't forget
And his voice that just keeps traveling through my head
No matter who I look at it seems to be him
Can he change my life?
Could he be the one?
Am I in love with him?
If you can answer yes to all
Then he's the one
Stop waiting and make your move
Tell him how you feel
Exspress the thoughts you think
And make the move that could change your life
Don't make the same mistake I made
That one move that could have made me happy
But now I'm sittin here all alone
No one to love
No one for company
Just because I was afraid to express my thoughts
So go for it
Don"t stall
Cause he'll end up as unhappy as me
So just tell him how you feel
And you could be surprise with what you get!