The One That I Truly Love
There was a time for half of my life
that I knew nothing of my great love
nobody told me of this love so special
so I realised it must be from above
In the midst of deep awful sadness
when my dear wife left this old earth
God came into my life personally and fully
in person of His dear son by spiritual birth
This son Jesus Christ became my saviour
coming into my heart changing me inside
drawing so very near to abide within
such love so perfect so high so wide
This Lord Jesus gives so many promises
abide in Him and much fruit you will do
He gives real peace, not as this world gives
never will I leave you nor forsake you
The one that I do truly love
His every promise precious to me
He died to redeem me from sin
this is God His love always will be
(My first wife Jean died after less than a year of marriage but now been remarried for 29 years next month. Just to explain in case somebody wondered about this.)