The Only One
You are not the only one
What threat do I have on you?
And I am 3 hours away
That you have to write a letter
Why did it have to say?
That he is all yours.
He really is not.
When he was with me,
He reopened the doors
Of the passage of our joined lives.
You said that it was quite hurtful
For your significant other and I
To communicate the way we were
It is because we see eye to eye
Although you expect to be the only one who loves him
You must realize that you are not
And never will be the only one
Because I his beloved Peanut loves him
And I have and will for a long time
The Father God loves him
Because He sent His only Son
To die for him, me and everyone
Not only had that He rose on the third day
With the power of love
Only love that comes through Him lasts
I love Him with the love of God
Not just from my body
So I have news for you
To yourself be true
Don’t think with me he was just having fun
Girl, you are not the only one.
John 3:16
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in
him should not perish, but have everlasting life.