The Only Star For Me
The words wouldn’t come
Silence filled the room
Where there had been hope
There was doubt, discord
I couldn’t feel the grace
Inspiring me to listen, to pray
With a heart open to His
Words, His star… guiding me
Home, toward that home
So far, that home of the heart
Where the soul knows the difference
In guilt that haunts and sweet forgiveness
The feelings were so strong
Shame that longed to hurt, to harm
To fill my mind with distrust, to
Whisper confusion into my dreams,
Breathe disillusionment through
This spirit God had surely blessed
The only star for me, you see…
Came on the night when He came
Bringing His serenity from above
The wonder of His everlasting love
The only star for me – rose in the sky
One night many years ago
When God’s Son came down to earth
Comforting the ones who hurt
Reassuring the uncertain and insecure
Lighting the way for the promise
A birth that would give life meaning
Hushing every reservation with
One who gave souls a reason for believing
The Only Star For Me Poetry Contest
Sponsored by: Mystic Rose Rose
November 6, 2022