The Outcome of the Game of Love
She used to try and make me jealous
then I would chase her around
love the attention that develops
then she’d go and put me down
Tell me that I’m insecure
as I forever worry more
claim that’s why I get ignored
when really this is her reward
But she would overplay this game
once it ends it starts again
every time is just the same
she’ll get attention then complain
it seems that she needs this from me
forcing her to plant the seed
but I’m forever unhappy
thinking she’s about to leave
Realising this I just don’t care
questioning us as a pair
feeling I’m treated unfair
better off without her there
as she just waits for my reaction
but this time it seems I lack one
struggling to find attraction
telling her I think we’re done
This was never her intention
believes I’ve changed my strategy
waiting assured in anticipation
yes it’s strange but she knows me
So she knows in time I’ll fold
the upper hand is hers to hold
when I give in she’ll have control
and she will play my sorry soul
The pattern says I’ll apologise
for chasing her while I’m denied
all the annoyance I supply
that she soaks up to get a rise
As if I’m with her just to suffer
and I would never seek another
but I think I no longer love her
and I would like another lover
not an outcome she can see
it’s not a possibility
she just sits and waits for me
we are no longer a we
I don’t need to feel this way
stupid selfish games she’ll play
doesn’t hear the words I say
cheerio we’ve had our day
weeks go by she waits for me
I’m out pulling quite happy
she still sees it a strategy
unaware we’re history
Every time I chased her around
love I had was going down
now I don’t want her around
she’s not even worked it out
Love is not a game you play
It’s give and take and not one way
so If love is a game you play
you ain’t in love be on your way!