The Passover Lamb
The Passover Lamb
The dawning of the Passover Day in Jerusalem
had only just begun
but a conspiracy and deceitful lies
filled the city that day about the Father’s only son.
It was true there was more than just chatter
as mockery it to filled the air that day
and while Roman leaders and Pharisees were strategizing
Jesus alone slipped away to pray.
The tension in Jerusalem
now had mounted to a high fevered pitch
could they trap Him somewhere this night
could they pull it off without riot or a hitch?
For they knew many of His followers would be so busy
because they had so many things to do
preparing Passover meals and families in prayer
they were counting on this plan of theirs to attract only a few.
And while the disciples were all so excited
after all this was Passover Day
they went to prepare the supper for Jesus, “The Lamb”
while their leaders prepared their trap for Him to slay.
But what those leaders still didn’t understand
it wasn’t by their hand that He was to be caught
for He came to offer Himself, His all for us
knowing our redemption by His blood had to be bought.
All over the city of Jerusalem
the aroma of roast lamb, oh how it filled the air
but behind closed doors the Lamb of God
being whipped and mocked till His own blood covered His hair.
Then towards the last of His torture
a cross was placed upon His furrowed bleeding back
and because each step brought pain and agony
He fell under the weight of it for strength He did lack.
On the cross this precious Lamb
cried, Father forgive them for they know not what they do
and our redemption now finished and paid in His blood
for from Hell’s corridors He purchased back me and you.
Our world has not been the same
since outside of old Jerusalem that He died on Calvary’s Hill
and when this precious Passover Lamb from Heaven
rose from the dead, it is certain it never will.
Praise the Lamb for Sinner’s He was slain.
Written by: Marilyn S. Jennings
9/6/1994 copyright