The Past, Our Ancestors Gifted Us As Our Future
The Past, Our Ancestors Gifted Us As Our Future
There are no words we know, fragrant and green,
Wherewith to show how welcome you have been.
You solaced us with many a song-caress,
O' marvelous was your music's loveliness.
You have called back from the unknown
Lost hours our hearts would fain have held our own.
In your souls life's echoes rang as sweet
As silver bowls dream-children gently beat.
Laughter of harvest lighting and the glee
Of tingly frosty nights ran joyously.
Among our shadowed memories, when you
Revealed the gladness we are born unto.
There are no words swiftly luminous
As those white birds your joy released to us.
Such gifts you bought and freely bade us share
As kings have sought and found not anywhere.
No day will end, all of your days that be
Some far off friend will not have memory.
How you guide us from a dreary road
Into a wide and wonderful abode.
No close will come to any bitter night
But someone will live again delight.
Roused at golden touch of gracious hands
That weave in swallow-flight their myriad strands.
Praiseworthiness our children shall attain
May be no less the fruit of some rich strain.
That once was yours and gladly lingered on,
As love endures, long after you were gone.
So dear ones, fare you well, and nobly well
Beyond the rare things silence has to tell.
Poem written about this past year and my thoughts as to
what my children ,grandchildren and great-grandchildren will
remember of me. As I remember that of my grandparents and
my ancestors.
Love of my family and my ancestry has made me glad to be alive.
For in all the world riches and times, I would choose no other!