The Path
Oft times the path we choose in life
Be it the wide or straight and narrow.
We think we're traveling all alone
But God knows of the falling sparrow.
While on this path we oft succumb
To the world and it's sinister ways.
We meet those that we grow to love
In which we share our lonely days.
Together while enduring the valleys
We gaze toward the mountains tall.
Wondering if we'll reach the summit
And who will catch us when we fall?
Mayhap we think of some friendship
That due to path was neglected or wasted.
We do our utmost to reclaim the years
To restore that which once was tasted.
But life is a Smorgasbord of alternatives
So divergent path's, make life, you see.
I pray that if our paths never re-entwine
We've both chosen the one meant to be.
Dedicated to a special friend, Shirlene