The Pearl of Friendship
At the beach of desperation
On the shore to endless sea
Stood a helpless dreaming creature
Searching in the sky was he
Looked with blind eyes full of sorrow
As a man with tears must be
To a falling shooting starlight
That felt down to waving sea
But when star and ocean contacted
Colorful the night became
amazing was the newborn fairy
away from any knowledge’s frame
Unbelieving this new marvel
spoke the fool with stumbling words
tried to please the laughing pixie
but his lips were hold with cords
If there was one wish for free
He would like to stay for ever
With this kind and pleasant vision
Of a world he dreamed of never
No! For bad luck sank the starlight
Down to dark seas frosting ground
As a mermaid swam the fairy
And he lost what he had found.
But far away from reaching hands
The light embedded in a shell
And transformed to pearls of friendship
Known - by everybody well.
Do not try to cage a fairy
For she just leaves you for good
And will show her pleasant closeness
More than expect any should.