The Perfect
“How are you?”, he says
“I’m fine”, she replies
“I haven’t heard from you”
“I know, I haven’t had time”
Once inseparable
With nothing in the way
Always and forever
Is the promise they once made.
He looks at her
And sees her pain.
She looks at him
And feels his grief.
It wasn’t supposed to end this way.
They knew they were meant to be.
So then why did it happen,
Why did they just split?
He says it was family,
She says it was life;
But deep down they both know
Their decision wasn’t right.
Now they try to be friends
But it all seems so weird.
He loves her more than ever,
And she loves him still.
He denies his feelings,
She hides hers;
But through the cracks
Will be an open door.
Three simple words
Is all one needs to say
To make the other come back
And make yesterday today.
They were the perfect couple
With timeless love in their hands
But they became the perfect split
When forever disappeared in the mist.