The Phoenix Rises
Smugly you turned your back, then left
foolishly acting you had me crucified;
if you thought you killed me by ending it
then you obviously were off the mark.
Hit me with your best shot, I wanted to say
if you were not in such a rush to hail a taxi;
funny of you thinking I was at your mercy,
this hardened nut so tough to crack.
I did not break down as you said goodbye,
I had no time for it though you really tried;
I do not need you to make me feel loved
because deep within it lived all along.
The real gem is the love I give to myself,
so long as I love me I will be quite okay;
no one breaks my spirit just by leaving,
the most you did today was amuse me.
My self-esteem is intact, thanks so much,
something that you can never take away;
all that you really did was make me smile
and shake my head in hilarity fully knowing
that even a phoenix rises, so why not me?