Love Poem: The Picture On the Coin
Joe Dimino Avatar
Written by: Joe Dimino

The Picture On the Coin

You can take love
to the store~ that's nice,
but the cashier will say
kindly, that I need a bit

You can take love to the bank,
and the teller will say, that's nice
but not a deposit, dear, to be
quite frank...

One takes love to the Altar:
I also do, but two years latter
the relationship may be thoroughly

for in the scheme of physical reality
love is not coin even accepted by
charity, as the plate is passed
from hand to hand down the pew
if not delivered your 10%
the priest may think, damn you! 

Yet, I confess, being addicted to love,
no great wealth on earth, small price to pay
for tokens fitting the turnstile above....