The Pink Shadow
It is April
Under red lily
Peace moments go
In your pink shadow
In the face of spring
A chiselled grace
To embrace
Blue sky
Held in your wide eyes
Earth is moist
Green in the making
With cool rejoice
Handsome blue jay
Weaving golden rays
For the churns
In your urns
Murmurs galore
From the shore
We’ll walk hand in hand
Struggles there are
And will be too
The scent of the dew
Tying me and you
Is for few moments
Let us gather grain
Any peak sip
We can reap
Let us do
It won’t come again
April 3, 2016
Written in "Anacreontic Verse" for the
Anacreontic Verse 3 - Poetry Contest
Maximum syllable in a line :5 (as per www.howmanysyllables,com)
Total lines: 31