Love Poem: The Plaintiff
Christine Phillips Avatar
Written by: Christine Phillips

The Plaintiff

He enters the room with raw emotions as he reflects on the commotion that lead him to file the case, he had blood dripping from his eyes and he swore to get the man that throw urine in his bed and broke his head. 

He walked around the room with bandage wrapped around his head and his broken hand secured in a sling and the grim expression on his face is painful to look at.

The officer had to subdue him before the judge start to deal with him; he couldn’t move his hand and  the intense pain cause him to groan and shout out loud in the middle of the crowd; the nurse that was with him and to give him painkiller to comfort him.
His wounds were deep and the nurse gave him a blanket to cover his feet and little before the court begin the Plaintiff started to sing a traditional song.And those in attendance looked at him in awe, he could not control his temper.

 My emotion begins to swell and my Adrenalin start to run high with an urgent message to deliver to the sky; my body began to shake as the officer led the offender through the gate, with chain dragging on his feet and hands bound 
the secret was about to unfold, and I watch the birds start flying about and I know that something was about to reveal. 

The rogue is back in town and the plaintiff is jumping  around, the evidence is knocking on the gate and the animals are eating under the table from a very flat plate.

He had several relationships and he like to touch women on their hips he likes to woo them with lollops and custard for desert after taking long showers; his bath tub has aroma scents that attracts the she goats that parade on the floats.

This is how it began; he plans the weekend of his life with his wonderful wife, they have been planning for this occasion more than ten years and they travel a hundred thousand miles to have the vacation of their lives; but something’s were not meant to be and something bad happen to this small family.

The morning breaks with hot passion on top of his plate; hot coffee on top of his counter and sausage and toast waiting on the table. He was having fun with the love of his life when a man  jumps over the gate and breaks through the window and shot his wife in her legs and shot her husband in his head; he fought with him and subdues the man and the police was right on time to arrest the man.

“All raise”, the judge said, and before the offender could raise his hand the plaintiff charged at him and the officer had to hold him, the plaintiff suddenly fell on the floor and blood start running from his head and before the ambulance came, the plaintiff was dead.
His wife was not in court but when she heard she came screaming at the door, but later when the truth came out the plaintiff wife had a relationship with the man and he wanted to kill her husband.

It didn’t happen on the vacation spot but it happens one month later in the court; It was an unusual place to die and justice was not denied. 

The man that murders the plaintiff was sentence to life without parole for murdering the plaintiff and injuring his wife.

The Plaintiff is the sacrifice