The Poet's Heart
The poet never asks
for rhyme with reason,
this would be treason
to a romantic heart...
All good lyrics
play their lyrical parts--
true writers and players
true to lyrical hearts--
and lovers having taken
that forever vow, will not
their hearts beat alone, for
never has been written
a convincing way nor how….
Indeed!--life can be heartless….
composing its own unscripted text--
and garlic above the door
or a talisman worn about the neck
will not ward off such evil hex--
hearts striving outside
the shallow reality when parted
die each day a suitable same:
it is the Romantic’s code
for which God on high alone
our teacher of eternal love
must totally take blame….
with each love’s passing
some of life’s spirit, for the poet,
seems equally to drain;
as we pray all lovers
no permanent sorry will stain--
no love’s story should ever end
with the storm, the runoff and mere
evaporation--but with unification
above and beyond even the limitless