The Poets I Hope To Meet In Heaven
I pray that in my Eternity,
I'll meet Shelley, Poe and Emily
That we'll all sit down at a table round,
And at length discuss our Poetry!
And Longfellow, lest we forget
Lord Byron, Shakespeare, and beloved Keats!
If I prove their favorite Poet,
I could accomplish no greater feat!
For all my many silly musings,
This one I covet above the rest
For my Soul's toil- finally proving
That the Masters love me best!
*My rhymes are rather choppy and will need revising a some point, but I wrote It just now on a whim ;) Also, I am open to new title suggestions; I struggled to conjure a fitting one
*** Here is an alternate version suggested to me by Delysia Hendricks. This sweet soul reworked my poem and I am posting it so the two can be juxtaposed. Please feel free to comment and say which one you prefer and why. Be as candid as you want; constructive criticism is ALWAYS welcomed and appreciated. Thanks, and a BIG thank you to Delysia for her revision! Here is her rendition:
I pray in all Eternity
masters Poe and Emily
Longfellow, Shakespeare and Shelley
would seek me out
to hear me spout
not theirs but my own poetry
The humble Keats
would kiss my feet
his favorite poet of them all
they'd all but swoon
and bow and croon
midst the mightiest I'll stand tall
*Let us know what you think, PLEASE! Pretty, pretty please with sugar on top? lol ;)