Love Poem: The Power of Love
Zyrool Gifford Avatar
Written by: Zyrool Gifford

The Power of Love

The Power of Love

In open fields, at a musical concert, 
their eyes made contact, setting 
their hearts ablaze,
Not even a hundred-and-one things
could distract them as they were in 
a dreamlike daze,
They walked through the crowd as 
if it were a maze,
The encounter left them ecstatically
happy for countless days.

Their love was easygoing, but
over time, it grew into something
beautiful and lasting,
Travelling together through time and
distance, they still had the same 
feelings as when they first met,
Now drifting in tranquil harmony,
with no excitement left but illnesses 
and uncertainty, yet both proclaim
life’s perfect. 
A bond of divine love binds them 
together, both happy and pleased 
with Cupid’s casting.

Love is food for the Soul and music 
to the ears,
It adds sweetness to life and puts 
springs in our steps, and once it 
takes hold, it takes control.

By Zyrool