The Prisoner
O comrades,
Is life a place of learning really?
Yes I have known but not so long
O comrades,
I have just learn greatly,
That not all the prisoner of life
Is in the custody of the state laws
O comrades,
Have you opened eyes wide and see,
Them wondering in vain on earth's surface?
O comrades,
Do not be scared Lucilina was among
A great prisoner of iniquity I say
In his earliest, running keenly after the fun of life
And on the way becomes the king of gay
He would see the feminine images and make a spite
O comrades,
Lucilina has caused someone sorrow
Indeed, he has hurt this little damsel,Angelina.
Lonely,she sit by the river bank with her endless cry
In marriage she has suffered much failure
No real man by which to make an husband
The one she was predestiny to in creation,
has become the king of gay
O comrades,
When shall Lucilina gain his freedom
And seek his real wife, Angelina?