The Prize of Age
Wide road seemed too narrow for both,
Two frail humans taking sweet time
Man and woman, hands clasped tightly
As if afraid of losing each other
On a stroll to appreciate life's outcome
And earth's contagious beauty and zest
As seen reflected in their wrinkled eyes
Together everyday until age came along.
Seemingly oblivious to scanty crowd,
Who gazed at them in admiration
Wondering how they managed this long
Love could be felt radiating in them
They suddenly perceived unwitting stares
Wishing such wisdom could be passed
To all youths in today's world
Who fail to fathom beauty of aged love.
They allow fear of ageing grip so strong,
Failing to understand benefits it brings
But lose time worrying for a future
Which would still be reached eventually
Because life itself passes by swiftly
And with age, clarity persists with
Overall confidence of being secure
Satisfied with fulfilled wants and needs.
Inspiring interests and knowledge,
That grows as generations are born
And ways in which empathy and passion
To an extent becomes you with time
In a way, if only they could envision it
Becoming advanced was indeed a blessing
And each day's fight to stay young forever
Would in time become a myth.
As painted pictures do fade,
So would all disappear with time
As paths of everyone is diverged
Struggle to achieve not to obscure purpose
Indecisiveness would be seen as minimal
Then comes a time when age beckons
A place to abide with loved ones
Would be the most prized gift of all.
Date: 7/31/2021
Contest Name:Finding Your Muse
Sponsored by: Regina McIntosh