The Prodigal Returns
We were once poor orphans, Wondering from place to place, never calling anywhere home.
Lead astray by sin, we soon felt the heartache from symbolized Babylon.
Thinking we were and had everything,
till iniquity was found in thee.
Our brightness was awe-inspiring.
Our wisdom flawless, breathtaking, a workmanship of perfection.
Our hearts were lifted up because our wealth corrupted our blasphemous reasoning.
Worshiping ourselves and our things we lost track of what was thought in accent times.
Not realizing how deep our sin had become,
Babylon the great city fell,
on that day our father called for us to return home.
remembering from whence we came.
Our true character was revealed.
Looking to the past for answers we found that our selfish hearts determined whose side we were on.
We had turned our backs to Christ and refused to acknowledge God 3x's.
Christ made a way of escape for us and we let trials and temptations control and govern our divine grace.
Our next step was to become sober with a meek and lowly heart.
the desire to restore what was lost,
reflected how our shortcoming and mistakes can be pardoned by the love of Christ.
So we have nothing in ourselves of which to boast.
We have no ground for self-exaltation.
Our old natures have fallen.
this is evidence that Satan's delusions have lost their power.
God has revealed his power our souls have realized its helplessness and become dead-seated in love for Jesus.
Just like the prodigal son we have a place to call home,
where one day we will return to.