The Promise!
If all we see....
Is vapors of fading empties
Intangible sights, of which the soul
Can never truly hold?....
Bricks of mortar bound buildings
And endless faces, passing by within the crowds
As quickly as the light from our days
They seem to all fade away
Left standing in the solitude
Of our own searching eyes....
Into the reflections of ones soul
The purpose and the meaning, for it all?
As we gaze into the sunset
That shall someday surely arrive....
What marks have we made?
What treasures have we found?
Is it enough within the end
As we face our final breathes
And to our lives, we take our final bow?
Knowing, that the best we could have hoped for
Was always shrouded, by the prevailing clouds
Of grey, and darkened skies
That have always surrounded our lives....
And then we sigh
As we try to touch, the untouchable light
Amid a life that has passed so quickly
Within the dust, which had paved its path
Is this all that there is?
These shimmering moments, of joy and hope
Awakening from a dream; like a flower
That withers beneath the scorching sun
All that we knew; and all that we loved....
For without hope, there is no tomorrow
So what was this life, truly all about?
Could all of its gold and pleasures
Could they have been worth it in the end?
If not, then why chase and pursue
These unquenchably fading ghosts
If, within the morning of our lives
We shall suddenly awaken
Unto our forever eternal graves....
No, there must be more
Than what we hold touch or see
Less truly, we be most miserable
Within the lights dying
The death of our soul~
Although, I have seen Heaven....
And I have embraced, 'The Morning Star!'
Shall I not wish for all
This eternity that I have beheld?
That they may see beyond this moment
As bittersweet, at its best
That it truly is....
And to dream of holding ones loved ones
Within their arms, always, and forevermore
Bricks of mortar bound buildings, no
But an eternity within paradise....
Where their love, and all love, shall never end!
The Promise!
{John 14}