Love Poem: The Puppet Master
John Rhinem Avatar
Written by: John Rhinem

The Puppet Master

Middays muse; with tinseled fingers and what is this, but a mockeries dust amid the wind....

Lost laxus, in its own schematics malignful maze everwinding unto inevitables end within

A self-fulfillings twisted prophecy spelling this enigmas day of irony, that shall be!?

Finding but a paradox in bittersweets truth clinging to these ivy genuises walls

Scaling both reason and purpose; this mingling of night with day and laughters illusions

Soon to fade into what was no less than a sifting breeze passing by as it lingered upon

This bed of thornful roses which pierced their eyes while tears gathered in shadows blind....

Unto where is the irony to be found in this tangerine testament aneath times carnival tents?!

In quantums theories these porcelain dolls with their charcoal smiles; defiles dangling 

Upon strings of pain to be broken inside; a chorus line of deceit and lies kept in a bios box

As daydreaming within this mirages muse amid a maze which they once believed, their truth.... 


....“The Puppet Master” *