The Purpose of Life
The Purpose Of Life
Some say that doubt among many truth’s convictions relieves the questions
relives narrates unfolds the thinking understanding cogitating human being
Too much like cogs in wheels of life some thus respond and posit that its
enterprise oozes soothes from a sense of feeling warmth’s emotion’s intuition
‘Its action good deeds and virtue’ shout philosophers from roof tops root tops
crowned winged elegance of contemplation clothed in ivory towers
Or is it ‘Science’ ‘God’ ‘The Revolution’ ‘A Path Of Least Resistance’ ‘Trying Harder’
‘Drugged Insistence’ ‘Evolution Fit and Fatter’ or ‘Sex’ and ‘Happiness’ Hottest Guns’
A panoply of tapestry and fabricated fabric’s fragrant fragmentation to synthesize
pragmatic hedonism ‘I Want It All And Now’ approaching nearing paradise
The apple of our eyes in cycling spiral’s procreation or might there be no sense or
meaning just simple free and undirected flow of something unbeknown to any kind
Tumbling in the halo while sunshine radiates in love compassion kindness seems a good
design on meaning my purpose aimed at understanding what its all about before I die
01st November 2016