The Question
True love is unquestionable.
What is true love?
To me; it is more feeling based rather than definitively worded.
Emotional attached, formed mentalities that are equally paired with an immaculate physical connection.
Collected bi-gender, shared love—
She’s out there.
He may be too afraid.
Hidden in there; inside of this—
What is that?
Pedestal lifted impression that one is more of ______ than…
What am I getting at?
Insecurities canker like goose-bumps on apparent tips—
My knotted tongue wishes—
Tied up; zipped shut as if forcefully so.
Never allowing such realistic possibility that she would ever…
Unable to move, made sloth.
Watch her eyes glow.
Somehow in-allowed to connect; looking foolish from.
I bet she isn’t that surreal.
Maybe even thinks about him?
Not me though.
He is surely not I.
For I—
For I am not worthy; me…
Who am I?
A nobody, a loser, I don’t stand a chance with…
Butterflies ideated coincidentally as fear—
Aged advice isn’t as easy as said.
But done—
Her image becomes glorified; extensions ladder the space between.
Imaginary perception instilled through conceptualized normalcy.
That is—
Now and later remains currently accepted as reality.
Immaturity isn’t anything.
Maturity isn’t contextually different.
Nature is conceived as the ground; associated with the sky.
Nonchalantly accepted; unquestionable…
Man and woman are every-bit; natural.
Misunderstand man; while miss opportunity slips away.
Fewer complexes than one foolish boy wonder comprehends.
Angered shouts’ discourage; helped only by belief.
Over thought of everyone else left little room for personality.
Idiotic ignorant youngster; old man self says…
Courage can be found in the outcast.
Just by saying how it is.
I don’t appreciate that.
This goes for pretty much everything; really.
Cool is the cat who allows natural acts.
Being who you are—
Is it that difficult to be kind?
It is kind-of difficult to be that.
Parental digressions advise children; blindly.
Kids talk with the textured walls scent into their rooms.
Then they count from one, two, and three.
Nothing happens after three…
I would consider exploring four more numbers.
Limited lessons teach liars who to cheat.
Stolen from truth; role models act as if.
Confused conditions are figured out.
Control is bestowed within double-standards.
Seldom do they take this to extremes.
Carrying this behavior into adulthood; delusional morality—
Sociopathic enlargements build unrealistic illusions.
Real life illusions; becoming reality—
Handpicked inner circular societies rally as troops.
Every so often one member wises up.
Calling out this moral deficiency; sanity loses color.
Spit and foam back-fire from out of nowhere.
Only to be looked upon from another time as expected behaviors.
Pity isn’t justifiably explained.
However present pity may be; this takes on more relevance.
Massively strikes a low blow to society.
Entirely breaking interpreted innocence in general—
Skeptical now of other people’s intentions; walls form.
Barriers blockade available trust almost impenetrable.
Knowledge creeps slowly though, over many passing years. (flip-flop)
Perhaps it may possibly be deathly withheld, inside lesser lives.
Fortunate few will open otherwise closed minds just wide enough; allowing forth-righted passages.
Fewer so are those select few ambitious to remain bungled-up; bollixing on the brink of sanity.
Horrified bi humanity, dry vomitus thrusts heave in disgust.
Neither good nor bad, is this reaction simply.
It simply just is.
Recognition allows sun breaks to reveal hope.
Appreciation is graciously true.
Unmasked by pure consciousness; an option is chosen.
To be or not to be?
I believe that has been questioned.
One decides to be and not to become whatever (this is that) they are.
Bravely taken stances must lead.
Odds against all this good, hatred and painful laughter pings. (Ping…….)
Tears eventually form; a man is all.
(A) Man is all…
Cyclically repeated by one imbecile concoction; empower numerate will and you shall ideologically ingest accordingly so to be comprehensively aware; craziness.
Always believable through optimism, a little less romantic hope more expressing gratitude.
Equality based judge-mentality towards all mankind.
Making mistakes; acknowledging apologetically.
Example displayed by actions effectively lead confided by word got your back.
Sleeping sounds snore in a comfortable bed.
Anxiously awaken by a beautiful, surreal recollection.
A once fearfully lifted atop pedestal; now he looks into level eyes.
The butterflies remain…
Overjoyed by this, love finds truth through honest acts.
Lips lock to seal serenity.
Everlasting love will immortally guide tomorrow.
Only by showing the way to today.
-Ironic Zinc
May 14, 2016 (edited on, forgotten and found in folder dated 10-22-15)